Bestu vinir Sżrlands

Fįtt sżnir eins skżrt hina vanhelgu skiptingu heimsbyggšarinnar ķ įhrifasvęši eins og žaš sem nś gerist ķ Sżrlandi. Vesturlönd vilja aš sżrlendingar haldi sig ķ sķnum vinahópi eins og honum hefur veriš skipaš. Góšir eru žeir vinir Sżrlands. Standa meš sķnum til sķšasta manns.

Alda uppreisna og óróa hefur fariš eins og eldur um Noršur Afrķku og er į leiš austur og sušur. Barist er viš aldagamalt patrķarkķ og ęttbįlkastjórnir žar sem ótrślegum aušęvum hefur veriš sólundaš ķ hergögn og hallir.

Almenningur ķ flestum žessara rķkja bżr viš mjög mismunandi ašstęšur, en flestar žjóšir žarna bśa viš fįtękt og lélega félagslega uppbyggingu. Olķuaušurinn fer ķ aš kaupa byssur, skrišdreka og plśtónķum ķ rķkjum žar sem lagsbręšur Eichmanns, Göbbels og Marx ķ bland og slķkra nóta rįša öllu sem rįšiš veršur. 

Hinn frjįlsi heimur stendur hljóšur hjį og snżr sér undan į mešan himneskir herskarar Sżrlandsforseta drepa allt kvikt. Meira aš segja Ķsraelar sżna fįlęti .... žeir óttast aš žaš sem komi ķ staš hans verši verra. Assad er menntašur ķ Bretlandi og žvķ er tališ aš hann sé „hófsamur“ ķ ofstękinu. Hann er jś Baathisti eins og Saddam Hussein. Ķsrael hefur ekki stašiš önnur eins ógn af nokkrum her eins og žeim sżrlenska. Žess vegna vilja žeir halda ķ Golan hólana ... svo žeir sjįi rykmökkinn žegar hinn sovésk smķšaši  skrišdrekaher Assadanna kemur arkandi yfir eyšimörkina til žess aš reka žį ķ hafiš.  Litlu munaši 1973. Nokkrir bandarķskir herforingjar śr seinni heimsstyrjöldinni stöšvušu leikinn ķ žaš skiptiš. Nś sitja arftakar žeirra ķ hęgindastólum og Richard Holbrooke er allur. Hann bjargaši žvķ sem bjargaš varš eftir aš Evrópusambandiš hélt kökukvöld į mešan 250.000 smęlingjar voru myrtir ķ köldu blóši į Balkanskaganum.

Vesturveldin halda teboš žar sem fįrast er yfir žessum ólįtum og gefa ķ skyn aš meš žessu framhaldi endi meš žvķ žvķ aš einhver verši drepinn. Hvatt er til stillingar og hófs ķ višbrögšum, en vikist er undan žeirri stašreynd aš sżrlenskur almenningur gerši sér vonir um aš fį ašstoš og hvatningu til žess aš varpa af sér okinu.

Sś ašstoš kemur aš vķsu. Hśn kemur frį vinum Sżrlands ķ Kķna og Rśsslandi. Vesturlönd og frjįlsir lżšir horfa ķ hina įttina. Žau skulda. Assad fęr fallbyssur. Hann er svo miklu betri einvaldur en Khadafy.

Tyrkir eru nś eina von žeirra sem męna eftir björgun og hugsanlegt er aš žeir ašhafist eitthvaš žegar įstandiš er fariš aš ógna žjóšarhagsmunum Tyrklands, t.d. žegar nokkrar milljónir manna stešja yfir landamęrin ķ von um einhverskonar ölmusu. Afskipti Tyrkja myndu žvinga fram afstöšu į vesturlöndum. 

Post Scriptum eftir morgunfréttir RŚV i dag:

Ummęlin sem höfš eru eftir varautanrķkisrįšherra Rśsslands ķ fréttum dagsins eru nįkvęmlega žau sömu og Göbbels hafši uppi eftir uprreisnina ķ Gyšingahvefinu ķ Varsjį, žar sem fįmennur hópur daušadęmdra manna reyndi ķ örvęntingu aš sleppa śr umsįtri nasista. Vitandi aš žeirra beiš ylheitt baš ķ sturtuklefunum ķ Birkenau og Bergen Belsen. Hann kenndi hinum fįtęku og allslausu  um aš vinurinn žeirra. Hafez al Assad ķ Damaskus skyldi neyšast til aš stytta žeim aldur. Žarna er fórnarlambinu kennt um naušgunina.

Ó, hvaš nśtķminn er nśtķmalegur.

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1 Smįmynd: Vilhjįlmur Örn Vilhjįlmsson

Aukaatrišiš fyrst, Bergen Belsen hétu bśširnar, en žar var enginn gasašur, og lķklega ekki margir śr Varsjįr uppreisninni sem endušu žar.

Annars mjög góš fęrsla. Ętli Imbu og fólki  meš hennar innręti sé žér sammįla?

Imba og Assad

Vilhjįlmur Örn Vilhjįlmsson, 10.2.2012 kl. 10:33

2 Smįmynd: Gušmundur Kjartansson

Sęll Vilhjįlmur:

Žakka žér žķn frjįlsu og krķtķsku skrif. Ég les žau.

Ég sleppti Auschwitz af įsettu rįši. Vildi geyma žann referens til betri tķma. Jį, žessi hópur sem varš undir lešurstķgvélahernum komst vķst ekki nema ķ hlišargöturnar į Varsjį. Ašrir komust į leišarenda. Um žaš sį Eichmann af mikill nįkvęmni.

Gušmundur Kjartansson, 10.2.2012 kl. 11:15

3 identicon

Sęll Gušmundur

Jį mašur žarf aš lesa meira um žessi HOLOCAUST, ekki satt?

The Six Million Myth PDF

What抯 the Big Deal about the Holocaust? PDF 

Holy Holocaust! PDF Edgar J. Steele 

The 'Six Million' Figure Began Over 100 Yrs Ago PDF  Dr. Frederick Toben 


A Factual Appraisal Of The 'Holocaust' By The Red Cross PDF The Jews And The Concentration Camps: No Evidence Of Genocide  - In all its 1,600 pages, the Report does not even mention such a thing as a gas chamber.

A Tricky Little Problem - The Missing "Holocaust" PDF Richard Lynn Professor Emeritus University of Ulster [Now let me think.. where was the last place I saw it? -ed.]

History & Scriptural Origin of the Six Million Number PDF John "Birdman" Bryant

The six million figure : Jewish population losses in the German sphere of influence during the World PDF -

The Original Six Million PDF  - The Six Million Jews Who Starved To Death During World War I

Six Million Jews 1919 PDF - is the "6-Million" story nothing but a Cabalistic prophecy which needs to be 'fulfilled' in order to justify the annexation of Palestine, and the ongoing loss of national sovereignty (displaced by meritocracy/plutocracy) throughout the formerly free countries of the West?

FBI Files - Top Zionist Says Only 2 Million Jews In WWII Europe PDF  Anon 

Why I believe the king of the Nazi hunters, Simon Wiesenthal, was a fraud PDF Guy Walters 

Simon Wisenthal's Faked Holocaust Memoirs PDF 

The Incredible Jewish 'Holocaust' Facts And Opinions Raise Serious Issues PDF Jason Collett 8-9-10

Holocaust: the Numbers Do Not Add Up! PDF  Bulov

Elie Wiesel Stole Book & Identity Says Survivor PDF Henry Makow Ph.D.

Auschwitz Survivor Miklos Gruner Claims Elie Wiesel is an Impostor March 4, 2009 - The world must know that Elie Wiesel is an impostor and I am going to tell it, I am going to publish the truth in a book called "The Story of a Stolen Nobel Prize Identity".

Six Reasons PDF

ONE THIRD OF THE HOLOCAUST Video A holocaust denial movie, in 30 episodes, on the subject of Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec. Banned at Youtube

Bogus Documents Used in Nuremburg Trials PDF C.W. Porter

Holocaust is Nothing But A HoloHoax PDF

Ahmadinejad's Holocaust Problems are My Holocaust Problems PDF Michael Santomauro – ReportersNoteBook 

Dispelling the Treblinka myth Video

Forty-Six Important Unanswered Questions Regarding the Nazi Gas Chambers PDF  David Cole

The 1988 'Holocaust' Testimony Of Joseph Burg PDF  Ingrid Rimland


The Missing Hitler "Orders" PDF - No order for the extermination of the Jews written or authorized by Adolf Hitler has ever been discovered.

Directives for the Use of Prussic Acid (Zyklon) for the Destruction of Vermin (Disinfestation) PDF

Jewish Holocaust Survivor Testifies No Gas Chambers PDF March, 1988

The Chemical & Toxicological Impossibility Of The Auschwitz Gas Chamber Legend PDF  Paul Grubach

Žorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skrįš) 10.2.2012 kl. 16:18

4 Smįmynd: Gušmundur Kjartansson

Tengingin viš Damascus er reyndar sérstök. Žar lögšu forystumenn araba lķnurnar meš Joachim von Ribbentrop į fundi 1938.

Kannski viš fįum aš vita hverjir voru žar og hver sagši hvaš ef Damascus fellur?

"Įętluninni" var hrundiš ķ famkvęmd skömmu eftir žennan fund, meš sama hętti og gert hafši veriš į žessu umdeilda svęši allt frį dögum Hadrķanusar. 

Žar er upphafiš og fyrirmyndin. Gulir boršar meš stjörnu.

Gušmundur Kjartansson, 10.2.2012 kl. 18:41

5 identicon

Sęll aftur Gušmundur

Tengingin Zķonista viš Nazista er ennžį merkilegri, ekki satt?


In the early 1920’s and early 1930’s, large amounts of money were given to the Nazi party from Jewish banks.

  • The Bank House Mendleson & Company in Amsterdam made two transfers. One for 10 million USD and one for 15 million USD.

  • Kuhn Loeb & Company in New York (later taken over by Jacob Schiff)

  • J P Morgan & Company in New York

  • Samuel & Samuel of London

  • Royal Dutch Shell sent 10 million Guilders as late as 1937."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The most prominent Gentile and Jewish-Nazi leaders were:

  • Adolf Hitler: half Jew

  • Rudolf Hess: Reich Minister; half Jew

  • Hermann Goring: Head of German Luftwaffe

  • Gregor and Otto Strasser: brothers and leaders in Nazi party

  • Joseph Goebbels: Propaganda Minister; Jewish

  • Alfred Rosenberg: Editor of the official Nazi paper “Volkisher Beobachter;” Reich Minister for Eastern occupied territories; Jewish

  • Hans Frank: legal council of the Nazi party; Jewish

  • Heinrich Himmler: Head of Gestapo; commander of the SS; homosexual

  • Joachim von Ribbenstrop: Foreign Minister

  • Reinhard Heydrich: Security chief and Second in command of SS; later became the Governor of Bohemia and Moravia; homosexual; Jewish

  • Admiral Wilhelm Canaris: Chief of German Intelligence; Jewish

  • Abram Goldberg a.k.a. Julius Streicher: Editor of the weekly Nazi paper “Der Sturmer;” homosexual; Jewish

  • Adolf Eichman: SS Officer; prosecutor; Jewish

  • Robert Ley: Ministry of Labor; organized the slave labor camps

  • Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski: SS General

  • Odilo Globocnik: SS General

  • Helmut Schmidt: officer in Luftwaffe

Documents supporting the “exceptions” that Hitler made for German Jews serving in the Nazi party numbered around 1,200. There were 2 Field Marshall’s, 10 Generals, 14 Colonels, 30 Majors and thousands of lower ranking officers and non-commanding officers who received these exceptions.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"Zionists and the Nazis had a common interest, making German Jews emigrate to Palestine."

In June 21, 1933, the German Zionist Federation was sending a secret memorandum to the Nazis, which said, in part:

"It is our opinion that an answer to the Jewish question truly satisfying to the national state [German Reich] can be brought about only with the collaboration..In June 21, 1933, the German Zionist Federation "


Nś og hérna bókina 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With The Nazis, eftir hann Lenni Brenner


Sjį" Zionism And The Third Reich By Mark Weber

Institute for Historical Review,

og hjį Jews Against Zionism: Nazi Support of Zionism

The Transfer Agreement


"The answer of the Zionist leaders was negative, with the following comments: a) ONLY Palestine would be considered as a destination for the deportees. b) The European Jews must accede to suffering and death greater in measure than the other nations, in order that the victorious allies agree to a "Jewish State" at the end of the war. c) No ransom will be paid This response to the Gestapo's offer was made with the full knowledge that the alternative to this offer was the gas chamber.

These treacherous Zionist leaders betrayed their own flesh and blood. Zionism was never an option for Jewish salvation. Quite the opposite, it was a formula for human beings to be used as pawns for the power trip of several desperadoes. A perfidy! A betrayal beyond description!

In 1944, at the time of the Hungarian deportations, a similar offer was made, whereby all Hungarian Jewry could be saved. “(



Žorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skrįš) 10.2.2012 kl. 20:20

6 Smįmynd: Gušmundur Kjartansson

Allt saman kunnuglegt. Žaš hófst meš Kristallnacht, nicht war? Eftir žaš vissu allir hvaš stóš fyrir dyrum.

Minnir jafnframt į stórt dómsmįl ķ litlu landi į ofanveršri 21. öld, žar sem "stušningsmenn" saksóknarinnar telja rétt og sęmd hins grunaša hafna til mestra hęša meš žvķ aš samvinna hans viš saksóknara sķna verši innileg og ķtarleg og aš hśn nįi hįmarki žegar hann tekur sjįlfur ķ handfangiš į fallöxinni eftir aš hafa sjįlfur brżnt blašiš.

Er žetta ekki annars žaš sem žś vildir lżsa hér aš ofan, Žorsteinn?

Gušmundur Kjartansson, 10.2.2012 kl. 21:31

7 identicon

Žaš sem ég er aš reyna aš benda į hér, er aš menn ęttu aš athuga og rannsaka žetta samband žarna į milli Zķonista og Nazista og svo ęttu menn aš skoša og rannsaka öll žessi Holocaust.

 The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany PDF fThe Barnes Review

The Original Six Million PDF The Six Million Jews Who Starved To Death During World War I

Six Million Jews 1919 PDF - is the "6-Million" story nothing but a Cabalistic prophecy which needs to be 'fulfilled' in order to justify the annexation of Palestine, and the ongoing loss of national sovereignty


Holocaust Revisionism in One Easy Lesson PDF By John "Birdman" Bryant

David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, Director, Auschwitz State Museum PDF (Video - Free Download)

Official German Record of all Prisoners in Auschwitz Concentration Camp from May of 1940 through December of 1944 PDF  Dr. Germar Rudolf

 Summation: From July, 1941 through October, 1944
Total number of Jewish prisoners in the Auschwitz camp system: 173,000
Total number of Jewish prisoners who died of typhus: 58,240
Total number of Jewish prisoners who died of natural causes: 2,064
Total number of Jewish prisoners transferred to other camps: 100,743
Total number of Jewish prisoners executed: 117
Total number of Jewish prisoners in camp after German evacuation on January 15, 1945: 11,839

Data from the Auschwitz Death Certificates PDF


One Third of the Holocaust Video -

ILYA EHRENBURG The Man Who Invented the Official Six Million Holocaust Figure PDF Author: NS Publications

The HOLOCAUST for Dummies PDF 

Did Six Million Really Die? [Ch 1&2/ Ch 3&4 / Ch 5 / Ch 6&7 / Ch 8 / Ch 9&10]

Zyklon-B and the German Delousing Chambers PDF Friedrich Paul Berg

Los Angeles talk-radio station airs probably the most effective case for Holocaust revisionism ever


The 'Holocaust Lie: Made in America PDF

An Auschwitz Eyewitness Account PDF Thies Christophersen 

Holocaust is Nothing But A HoloHoax PDF

'HATE' STORM LOOMS : FINKELSTEIN Slams Holocaust "Racket"

Protecting The Rights Of A Holocaust Denier Ultimately Protects Us All PDF Michael Sherme


Žorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skrįš) 10.2.2012 kl. 22:04

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Guðmundur Kjartansson


Guðmundur Kjartansson
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